After a good six weeks at the bottom of my blocking pile, I finally got around to blocking Momvoli:
That's done in KnitPicks Shine in orchid. I also gave it a hem, since the rolled hem wasn't very flattering on my mom, and I started it before Picovoli was published, so I hadn't done the picots at the neck edge.
My mom lives 450 miles away, so I can't include a try-on pic, but I should be able to take one at xmas. Here's an old one from the half-way try-on point (mid-September):
I also gave my own Tivoli a crocheted neck edge, which stabilized it nicely (which it needed because I made it too big). I also haven't gotten around to taking pictures of that.
That's done in KnitPicks Shine in orchid. I also gave it a hem, since the rolled hem wasn't very flattering on my mom, and I started it before Picovoli was published, so I hadn't done the picots at the neck edge.
My mom lives 450 miles away, so I can't include a try-on pic, but I should be able to take one at xmas. Here's an old one from the half-way try-on point (mid-September):
I also gave my own Tivoli a crocheted neck edge, which stabilized it nicely (which it needed because I made it too big). I also haven't gotten around to taking pictures of that.